Hacking Chipotle

I picked up a Chipotle menu that had nutrition info the back so, I figured I’d share a few fun facts.

  • Get a bowl! The tortilla wrapping for a burrito is 300 cal. Three tacos is 210.
  • Easy on the cheese + sour crème. 2 oz of sour crème is 115 cal, 1 oz of cheese is 100.
  • NO CHIPS. 4 oz of chips is 570 cal.
  • Water or at worst a diet drink. 32 oz of soda is approx. 400 cal

Do the math. If you get a burrito with chips and drink you get 1270 extra calories.

If you get a bowl with no chips and a water you save 1270 calories!

A burrito bowl with:

Brown Rice 200 cal

Carnitas         210 cal

Sour crème 115 cal

Cheese         100 cal

Guac             200 cal

Totals up to 835 cal.


Add the flour tortilla, chips and soda and jump to a whopping 2005 cal. Ouch.

from Michael Boyle’s Strengthcoach.com Blog http://ift.tt/1ErfRKa

Were You a RAC Member?

Were you a “RAC” Reading Athletic Club Member? If so with the RAC closing, did you know that the #1 gym in America is 10 minutes away and that we have lots of adult group classes!
Come on over and try one free workout! We guarantee you’ll love it.
Just mention that you were a RAC member,stop by or give us a call. If you sign up for our Spring Adult functional training group receive 10% off

from Michael Boyle’s Strengthcoach.com Blog http://ift.tt/1DIV9b1

MBSC Mentorship April 6-9th

Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning is happy to announce the dates for our next mentorship. The first mentorship of 2015 will be held April 6-9th at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning in Woburn, Ma.

Space is limited to 12

Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning would like to invite strength and conditioning coaches, personal trainers, physical therapists, athletic trainers, and other health professionals to participate in its Strength and Conditioning Mentorship Program. This program was designed to educate industry professionals on current training techniques through physical participation, workout observation, and in depth discussions with Mike Boyle and his qualified staff. Participants will be introduced to the latest injury reduction and performance enhancement modalities of training.

Spots will fill fast as we are limited to 12
Register today!


from Michael Boyle’s Strengthcoach.com Blog http://ift.tt/1KLza33

A Great Speed Training Resource

I was sent the new Complete Speed Training program last week and I got a chance to go through it this weekend.

I respect what Lee Taft does in this program (and also recommend you go see him present at the PerformBetter events).

If you work with speed & power athletes, you should check out this program.

-> Complete Speed Training

Complete Speed Training is geared towards coaches and focuses on teaching (the why’s and how’s), instead of just throwing hundreds of drills at you.

Lee presents his latest speed & agility training methods in this new course. I don’t directly promote a lot of programs, so when I do, I make sure it isn’t a waste of your time.

Since you’re a learner like me, you will want to see what other top coaches are doing. If you want to get your clients or athletes quicker and faster, I suggest you give this program a look – Complete Speed Training

from Michael Boyle’s Strengthcoach.com Blog http://ift.tt/1xX8tl8

Another Vote Against Specializing- This Time From the NFL

There is so much evidence against specialization that I can’t figure out why anyone specializes. This quote from ESPN.com article might be the best quote ever:

“If these kids are hearing they need to specialize in one sport, it’s mostly because of business and the ego around these coaches,” said Andrew Bark, founder of Student Sports, which runs the annual Elite 11 Quarterback Competition. “You have a lot of untrained or minimally trained adults basically either building their business of club sports, or you have leagues and teams and coaches who only care about their own wins and losses. But the truth is exactly what your [ESPN] numbers say. Playing other sports makes a lot of sense.”

to read the rest of the article, go to this link from ESPN.com.

from Michael Boyle’s Strengthcoach.com Blog http://ift.tt/1ANv8r7

Great Business Questions

One of our former athletes wanted to ask a few business questions. As I answered, I realized that I’d like to share my answers with you guys.

What is a typical day like for you?– To answer this one I decided to save myself some writing. You can read this post if you haven’t already.

As a manager, what do you do? My big responsibility now is staff education and training. The best way for me to make our business better is to have our staff be well prepared. I’m an educator and a quality control person for the company more than a day to day manager.

What advice can you give regarding career advancement for young managers? Know the area you are going to manage. “Walk a mile in their shoes”. Make sure you have done any job you will be supervising another in. Also, practice The Golden Rule , ” do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. Treat people as you would want to be treated.

What has been your biggest learning experience? There have been many. Starting a business was the biggest experience in itself. We started in an industry that really didn’t exist and had to find and nurture a market. This was very difficult with no business education. However, most of the successful business people I know had very little formal business education and did lots of things “wrong”. Hard work, common sense, and a strong desire not to fail corrects a lot of wrongs.

How does your organization use values, vision, and mission statements? To be honest, we don’t, at least not in any formal way. We keep it simple. We practice the Golden Rule. People always wonder how we have been so successful. I tell them if treating employees like family and treating customers like guests is good business, then we have figured out good business. Too many businesses lack common sense. Our philosophy is the customer is always right until they mistreat our employees, then they are wrong. Our employees matter more than our customers. We’ll lose a customer if our employee is correct. No customer is so important that they can mistreat an employee.

How does your organization use goals and objectives? Probably in a very simple way. The goal is a very large one. We want to change lives. I tell my staff we are in the life changing business, not the fitness business. We are the best medical practitioners in the world because we prescribe exercise and proper diet. The objective? Make people feel important. If you do that, you can be successful.

from Michael Boyle’s Strengthcoach.com Blog http://ift.tt/1M1M0Oj

One of the Best Articles I Have Ever Read on Youth Sports

Please, please read and share this.

The Enemy of Excellence in Youth Sports

Coaches and parents are the problem in youth sports but, they also are the solution. Be a better, smarter, more informed parent. Be a better, smarter, more informed coach.


from Michael Boyle’s Strengthcoach.com Blog http://ift.tt/1DGjyeL

8th Annual Basketball Specific Strength and Conditioning Symposium

Just wanted to let everyone know that I’ll be speaking at the 8th annual Basketball Specific Strength and Conditioning Symposium in Las Vegas on May 14th along with my good friend Todd Wright. I’ll be talking about What Every Basketball Player Need.

To register go to


from Michael Boyle’s Strengthcoach.com Blog http://ift.tt/1KgX3RL